The Astrology of 2024

Every calendar year holds its own astrological signature: transits and moments that usher in opportunities for growth and change. 2024 is no different. This year is sure to bring us many surprises as it holds several important and momentous cosmic movements. We can all expect new opportunities, challenges, and strokes of luck. These are the most pivotal astrological moments we will see in 2024.

1. Pluto enters Aquarius

Pluto transits are long-lasting and powerful. On a collective level, it unearths secrets and transforms imbalances. On an individual level, it brings profound change when interacting with a personal planet. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and has been gradually leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius since March 2023. It will continue moving between the two signs for most of 2024.

On January 20th, Pluto will leave Capricorn and re-enter Aquarius. It will do so a few short hours after the Sun enters Aquarius creating a massive surge of energy and possibly unexpected and transformative events. Pluto and the Sun will both change signs at the same time and form a powerful conjunction in the process. This conjunction will plant the seeds for the ways Pluto will transform our understanding of Aquarian concepts. 

Pluto will continue moving forward in Aquarius for a few months, and it will then retrograde on May 2. During Pluto retrogrades the themes introduced during its time moving forward are replayed. Pluto retrogrades for about five months each year, and a retrograde is nothing momentous. However, it will be important this time as it is the last time Pluto will visit Capricorn for the next 250 years. 

Pluto will retrograde into Capricorn on September 1st, and it will then station direct in Capricorn on October 11. This will be our last chance to integrate and come to terms with the slow-burning transformations that have taken place beneath the surface for the past fifteen years.

Pluto’s time in Capricorn began with the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008 and it has seen changes in the ways power is understood and exercised. Capricorn is, amongst many things, associated with work-life balance, careerism, hierarchies, corporations, government institutions, finances, families, and conservative politics.

Pluto finally leaves Capricorn for the last time on November 19th. It will remain in Aquarius until 2043 when it will enter Pisces. This transit will affect the relationship between individuality and the collective. It will bring technological progress and ask us to question the ethics and morality of technology. Aquarius is associated with equality, individuality, independence, eccentricity, and technology. Pluto’s time in Aquarius will no doubt be full of surprises for us all. You can catch a glimpse of what this transit will offer by looking at the conjunction of Pluto and the Sun that will take place on January 20.

2. Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in Taurus

A conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus is rare, taking place only once every twelve years (they are both slow-moving outer planets). We will see one this year on April 20. This conjunction will offer a burst of excitement, adventure, and boldness. 

Jupiter grows whatever it touches and gives us the opportunity to see the big picture. Uranus brings unexpected changes and flashes of inspiration from the future that help us understand and connect with our authentic truths. 

Jupiter and Uranus will converge in the sign of Taurus (Jupiter has been in Taurus since May 16, 2023, and Uranus since May 15, 2018) to make us consider new ideas related to Taurean concepts and create unexpected change. Taurus is associated with the environment, monetary systems, food production, nutrition, physical possessions, consumer shopping, and beauty. We may see upheavals, breakthroughs, and growth in the way we collectively approach these themes.

Be open to new opportunities and magic that can happen during this time. You may feel a stream of innovative ideas and intuitive hunches that will help you create a new reality for yourself. You may experience unexpected financial gains, exciting romances, and personal breakthroughs.

Keep in mind that Uranus has been retrograding since August 28, 2023. It will only station direct on January 26. We’ve been contemplating the lessons of Uranus in Taurus for the past few months and will start taking steps forward as we approach the conjunction. Uranus will then retrograde again on September 1 giving us the chance to ponder the ways our thinking can grow with regards to the themes introduced by the conjunction.

3. Jupiter enters Gemini

On May 25 Jupiter leaves Taurus and enters Gemini. Jupiter stays in a given sign for around two years and adds growth, luck, hope, optimism, knowledge, travel, and wealth to the sign it is visiting.

With Jupiter in Gemini, we can expect growth in travel, learning, and communication. We will feel more curious and mentally adventurous. We will be more receptive to unconventional information, skills, and perspectives. We will be interested in visiting new places, meeting new people, and trying new activities. Luck and good fortune may be easily tapped into when we use our wit, ingenuity, versatility, and sociability. Take care not to be led astray by too much information, gossip, indecision, and fickleness.

Jupiter always gives us the ability to see the big picture, and this transit will help us better comprehend and take advantage of global travel and communication. Internet apps, e-commerce, learning platforms, and travel may flourish. This will be an optimistic transit for conversation and socialization.

4. Saturn in Pisces

Just as Jupiter grows whatever it touches, Saturn constricts whatever it touches. It imposes limitations that force us to become responsible and accountable. Saturn is in Pisces for the duration of 2024 (it entered Pisces on March 7, 2023, and it will leave Pisces on February 13, 2026). Saturn will likely continue offering challenges that invite us to approach Piscean problems differently. 

Pisces dissolves boundaries and is associated with endings, mysticism, spirituality, creativity, imagination, dreams, addiction, entertainment, and illusions. Saturn has a sobering effect, and this transit will offer us chances to come to terms with the realities behind our illusions, fantasies, and addictions. It will ask us to filter out any lies that encourage us to wallow in victimhood so we can instead take responsibility for ourselves. Show discernment when it comes to the information you consume.

Direct your attention to what makes you feel creative, inspired, and compassionate. Pisces is very sensitive and intuitive, and Saturn may invite you during this transit to take greater responsibility for your self-care. This is an excellent transit for listening to your dreams and taking steps to bring them into reality.

Saturn will retrograde on June 29 and will stay in retrograde for the rest of the year. This will be an ideal time to revisit the themes it has introduced since it entered Pisces last year. 

5. Neptune in Pisces

There is a strong Piscean theme in 2024, as Neptune will also spend this year in the sign of Pisces. Neptune entered Pisces in 2010 and will stay there until 2025.

Unlike Saturn, Neptune feels very much at home in Pisces. Neptune rules the sign of Pisces, and Pisces is the most natural expression of Neptune. This transit makes us all feel much more inspired, creative, compassionate, sensitive, and imaginative. 

Neptune will retrograde on July 2nd and will station direct on December 7. This will be an excellent time for turning inward and contemplating your attachments, limitations, addictions, fantasies, and illusions. Doing so will allow you to heighten your creativity and intuition.

With so much emphasis on Pisces, it’s a good idea to take note if your birth chart has any personal planets in Pisces. If Saturn or Neptune is transiting over one of your planets this year, take care to optimize the increased creativity and sensitivity you will feel.

6. Mercury Retrogrades

2024 (like every year) holds several Mercury retrogrades. Mercury retrogrades are nothing to be fearful of. Yes, they are a terrible time for buying cars, initiating negotiations, or signing contracts. It is always best to wait until Mercury stations direct before making big purchases or commitments. However, Mercury retrogrades are an excellent time for taking stock of your current situation and planning for the future. I always look forward to Mercury Retrogrades as I feel more creative and insightful during these times. 


Mercury will retrograde in the sign of Aries from April 1 to April 25. This will be an excellent time for looking at the ways you expend your energy and pick your battles. What visions are you fighting for, and how are you accomplishing your goals?

Virgo and Leo

Mercury will retrograde in the sign of Virgo on August 4 and station direct in the sign of Leo on August 28. In this season we will feel inspired to improve our daily habits and establish new creative avenues for self-expression. Virgo will make us more conscientious of our health, and Leo will make us want to step into authentic leadership.


The last Mercury retrograde of 2024 will take place in Sagittarius between November 27 and December 15. Take care not to act or spend impulsively during this retrograde. Instead, take advantage of this retrograde to contemplate your worldview and belief systems.

Remember Mercury retrogrades always have a shadow period. Mercury retrogrades can be felt for a couple of weeks before and after they happen.

7. Chiron retrogrades in Aries

Chiron entered Aries in 2019 and will only leave in 2027. Chiron is the wounded healer. In our birth charts, it shows us where we feel hurt and insecure and how we can heal our deepest wounds. With Chiron in Aries, we are asked to claim our own identities and life path. This transit encourages us to follow our passions and release limiting beliefs we may have internalized regarding our abilities to manifest and create. Look to the house Chiron will be transiting through in your birth chart to know which areas of your life will be most affected.

On July 26, Chiron retrogrades in the sign of Aries. Themes of action, rage, violence, passion, and independence will come into play. This retrograde will make us more aware of the wounds we carry and the ways we regulate our emotions. 

8. Solar and Lunar Eclipses

Eclipses always make for interesting happenings. Solar eclipses happen on new moons. They take place when the Moon crosses over the Sun creating a ring of fire. They bring new beginnings and opportunities. Lunar eclipses happen on full moons. They take place when the Earth stands directly in between the Sun and the Moon. The shadow covers the Moon which takes on a dark brown colour. Lunar eclipses come with strong emotions and can bring endings and senses of closure.

This year will hold several solar and lunar eclipses. 

Lunar Eclipse in Libra

On March 25 we will have a lunar eclipse in Libra. This eclipse will interestingly also coincide with a square between Chiron and the North and South Nodes. We may feel strongly about our relationships, possibly ending outdated romances, traits, or habits. 

Solar Eclipse in Aries

A solar eclipse in Aries will take place shortly after on April 8. This eclipse will bring tension but also energy. This could herald personal breakthroughs that accelerate us into new phases of life. If the lunar eclipse in Libra brings into question the nature of your relationships, this solar eclipse will propel you toward a stronger sense of self.

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

September 18 will see a lunar eclipse in the sign of Pisces. It will potentially show us where we use our creativity and imagination to escape reality but also where we might hold ourselves back from fully embracing our intuition.

Solar Eclipse in Libra

On October 2 we will have a second eclipse in Libra, only this time it will be a solar eclipse. It will complete the cycle of endings introduced by the lunar eclipse and bring new beginnings and opportunities for the future.

2024 will be an exciting year with lots of astrological happenings. Pluto’s entry into Aquarius is massively important and something astrologers have been looking at for years. The conjunction of Pluto with the Sun on January 20 will, in many ways, be a highlighting moment of its ingress. The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus will also be interesting. 2024 will continue having a strong Piscean theme, with both Saturn and Neptune continuing their transit through this sign. Jupiter in Gemini will add gaiety and excitement to the mix. 

There will be lots of retrogrades this year. There will be several Mercury retrogrades as always. Chiron retrograding in Aries will be impactful and ask us to question all the themes it has introduced for the past few years. We will also see Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter retrograde. The year will conclude with Mars moving retrograde on December 6. Venus is actually the only planet that won’t retrograde in 2024.

I’ve discussed the most important astrological happenings of 2024 in this blog post but haven’t discussed the transits or aspects of the personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars). Many astrologers do include these aspects in their yearly predictions. I didn’t because these planets are all fast-moving and their aspects happen frequently and for a short duration. Their effects are more personal than collective. You must look at the aspects they form with your natal planets to understand their influences. Similarly, it is a good idea to take note if any outer planets are aspecting one of your personal planets this year.

I wish you all a wonderful 2024.


The Astrology of May 2024


Pluto enters Aquarius