The Astrology of May 2024

May will be full of blessings. There will be a Taurean emphasis as five planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus) will be passing through Taurus this month. This month’s New Moon will be in Taurus too. Take advantage of this potent energy to focus on the physical aspects of your life.

These are the top astrological events of May 2024. As always, look to your birth chart and identify the house an event will be taking place in to know where you will be affected personally.

2 May - Pluto retrogrades in Aquarius

Pluto entered Aquarius on 2 January and will begin retrograding on 2 May. It will continue retrograding in Aquarius until 1 September when it will move into the sign of Capricorn. Pluto is associated with the underworld, our shadow work and subconscious minds, as well as cycles of death, rebirth, and transformation. During a retrograde, a planet’s energies slow down and look inward. When Pluto moves direct, it shines a spotlight on the wounds of the sign it is traveling through and brings them up to the surface for transformation. When retrograding, Pluto slows down and allows us to reflect on the wounds it has highlighted. The shadow side of Aquarius includes technology, group-think, misinformation, and activism. This retrograde season will give us space to process the changes Pluto has created since it entered Aquarius.

7 May - New Moon in Taurus

New Moons represent beginnings and fresh starts. They offer opportune moments for setting intentions regarding what you want to accomplish and manifest over the upcoming month.

As this New Moon is happening in Taurus, it’s a good idea to choose an intention that honours the archetype of Taurus which is all about connecting the spiritual with the material. Would you like to develop romance, build something physical, create beauty, or find roots in your local community? These are a few examples of Taurean values but, of course, it’s important to set an intention that resonates with you. New Moons are powerful times for beginning anew. I hope you enjoy this lunar cycle.

13 May - Sun conjunct Uranus in Taurus

The Sun meets Uranus today only once a year and creates a day of interesting occurrences. Expect the unexpected, and don’t be afraid to trust your abilities. Uranus never fails to shake things up. Allow the dynamism and originality of Uranus to fuel your sense of self.

You may receive surprising insights into your authentic truth today. As this aspect is taking place in Taurus, you may find yourself inclined to make changes in your life that reflect your ever-evolving spiritual nature. Taurus is all about bringing spirit into the material world.

14 May - Ceres retrogrades in Capricorn

Ceres begins its retrograde, and it does so in Capricorn. Ceres is an asteroid associated with motherhood, fertility, and feminine energy. It symbolises the ways you nurture yourself and others. When retrograding, Ceres prompts us to reflect on how we nurture ourselves and where we don’t. It is impossible to take care of others when we neglect our own needs. 

As this retrograde takes place in Capricorn, it may ask you whether you feel supported at work and whether your work nurtures you emotionally and spiritually. If the answer to either of these questions is no, this transit is an excellent time for thinking about what changes you want to make in your professional life and also for coming up with plans for doing so. Capricorn is patient, so take your time. Ceres will station direct on August 26, at which point you can bring your plans into the world.

15 May  - Mercury enters Taurus

Taurus is all about bringing spirit into the material world. Taurus is practical, slowly building resources to create comfort and stability. Taurus is sensual and values all that is pleasing to the five senses. Taurus understands the material world and is firmly connected with the earth.

Take advantage of Mercury's time in Taurus to look at your finances, beautify your surroundings, communicate ideas around what you would like to build, and move your attention to practical matters. Taurus is patient, so remember there is no need to rush.

16 May - Pallas retrogrades into Scorpio

The asteroid Pallas has been retrograding in Sagittarius since 29 March, and this month it retrogrades into the sign of Scorpio. Pallas points to our intellectual and creative capabilities as well as our brilliance and bravery. It is named after the Ancient Greek goddess of wisdom and warfare. Retrograding in Sagittarius, Pallas has asked us to reflect on the ways we intellectualise about philosophy and religion.

Moving into Scorpio, Pallas will move our attention towards the ways we connect with others intellectually in order to ideate and execute strategy. Scorpio rules death, rebirth, and transformation. This transit may see you transmute thought patterns into questions that are both probing and exacting. Your thinking will evolve, and you might find your ideas to be wiser and more strategic.

18 May - Venus conjunct Uranus and Sun conjunct Jupiter in Taurus

There is lots of activity happening in Taurus on 18 May as Venus and Uranus form a conjunction at 23* of Taurus and the Sun and Jupiter at *28 of Taurus.

This day will carry feelings of romance, happiness, optimism, and pleasure. Don’t shy away from the off-beaten track and be open to any surprising opportunities that may present themselves. Allow the electric growth of today’s energy to propel you into new and exciting ventures.

20 May - Sun enters Gemini

Gemini season officially begins. Gemini is curious, talkative, energetic, vivacious, quick-witted, and spontaneous. Wish a happy birthday to all your Gemini friends, and enjoy this season.

22 May - Sun in Gemini trines Pluto in Aquarius

The Sun in Gemini will trine Pluto in Aquarius. And on the 25th, Venus will trine Pluto too. This is a harmonious conversation between our self and our subconscious. You will feel a soul connection with all energies and will unconsciously strive to create from your energy field. This aspect will inspire you to embody your own soul experience. It offers opportunities for connecting powerfully with others and forging strategic alliances. These two aspects strengthen one another, so take advantage of them to allow your subconscious mind to inform your reality.

23 May - Full Moon in Sagittarius

While New Moons represent beginnings, Full Moons represent endings. Full Moons offer clarity into your dreams and inner world so you can release what no longer serves you. Divert your attention towards what you must release in order to grow. Sagittarius searches for truth. What fears and belief systems are holding you back from embarking on adventure? How are your knowledge and inner wisdom informing your life journey? The Moon is at its brightest today, and this Full Moon will illuminate your truth so you can release all that holds you back. Reflect on what you choose to surrender to the universe and create a ritual that allows you to do so. I often enjoy going on a walk to a beautiful place in nature (outside my home), pouring this intention into a rock I find, and then giving the rock back to the earth. I hope you enjoy this Full Moon.

25 May - Jupiter enters Gemini

Jupiter will normally stay in a sign for about a year, but this transit will be different as it enters Cancer in October before retrograding back into Gemini. This is a fortunate time for all Gemini placements as well as Libra and Aquarius placements.

Jupiter grows everything it touches, and its time in Gemini means our mercurial capabilities will grow. You will feel more curious, talkative, extroverted, quick-witted, and spontaneous. You will feel inclined to learn new skills and absorb different ideas, and there will be opportunities and luck if you do. Jupiter will also counterbalance some of the negative traits of Gemini such as a tendency to lie or gossip.

30 May - Mercury conjuncts Uranus in Taurus

This month ends on a splendid note as #Mercury conjuncts #Uranus in #Taurus. This aspect stimulates your mental thinking and can offer flashes of unexpected insights. As Taurus is a very patient sign that enjoys the finer things in life, this is a good day for exchanging ideas with those you care about in pleasant settings. Allow your mind to relax and be open to any new ideas that might emerge. These ideas will have room for expansion on June 2 when there will be a lucky trine between Jupiter and Pluto.

I wish you a joyful month.


The Astrology of 2024