Astrological Readings

I’m an Aquarius. The glyph for Aquarius depicts two waves representing the meeting of air and water. Aquarius is about the interplay between our minds (air) and emotions (water). This is why it is often associated with astrology. I take both an intellectual and creative approach to astrology. Appreciating the rich mythological and historical roots of astrology, my readings will break down the complex ideas of your birth chart into digestible components. I then work with you creatively to connect the disparate elements of your birth chart into a story that aligns with your authentic truth.

Self-Discovery Reading

A self-discovery reading will introduce you to astrology and the peculiarities of your birth chart. I will walk you through the alignment of the planets, asteroids, nodes, and fixed stars in your birth chart, discussing their signs, houses, and aspects. You will learn how the stars have guided you at every step of the way and continue to do so. By recognising your birth chart you will expand your self-awareness and self-empowerment. This reading is for anyone interested in tapping into their potential by learning about themselves and their life journey.


By looking at our astrological birth charts we can understand ourselves deeply and profoundly.

Life Purpose Reading

Our birth charts offer wisdom and understanding of our soul’s evolution. A life purpose reading will help you apprehend the lessons you mastered in previous lifetimes, the nature and influences of past lives, the innate skills and gifts you were born with, the qualities you are mastering today, and the challenges and lessons you are meant to grow from in this lifetime. We will look at your birth chart and progressed charts to learn about your life purpose and how it relates to your relationships, projects, and career.


Astrocartography shows us how different places affect our psyche. Where should we live, holiday, work, and honeymoon?
Evolutionary astrology looks at our birth charts to understand our life purpose and mission.

Astrocartography Reading

Have you ever noticed certain geographic locations affect your vibration differently? This may be because they fall upon one of your planetary lines. Astrocartography projects the aspects of your birth chart onto the global map. It tells you how different cities, mountains, beaches, and towns will resonate. An astrocartography reading will equip you with the knowledge to choose where you live and visit based on how it will affect your emotions and fortune.


Synastry Reading

Let’s compare your birth chart with that of your partner’s to recognise the strengths, weaknesses, and nature of your relationship. Together we will identify ways to enhance connection, streamline communication, support collaboration, magnify romance and intimacy, resolve conflict, and more. You will gain powerful insight into the various meanings and idiosyncracies of your romantic relationship.


Predictive Reading

Have you been wondering how the constellations are affecting you at this moment, and how they will influence you in the year to come? Celebrate your birthday with a predictive reading. We will look at your solar return chart and progressive chart to understand how your birth chart is evolving. You will also learn how the current transits are influencing your psychology and life weather.


Did you know businesses have birth charts? An astrological business reading will help you align your business strategy with its astrological signature.

Business Reading

Discover the remarkable essence of your business. We will explore your business’ birth chart to identify its nature, purpose, heart, and reputation. You will learn about its personality, gifts, and struggles as well as its natural outlook on finances, team culture, marketing, communications, operations, and strategy will be looked at. A business reading will help you empower your business by aligning its mission and vision with its astrological signature.


Gift a newborn child with an astrological reading to learn about its personality, motivations, life purpose, and more.

Lifetime Reading

Celebrate the birth of a new child by gifting yourself or a loved one a lifetime reading. You will receive an in-depth document exploring the personality, strengths, lessons, and impactful years of the child and their life ahead. I review the planets, nodes, asteroids, and fixed stars along with their signs, houses, and aspects. You will perceive the astrological signature of the child’s essence and lifetime and gain an understanding of how to best support their life purpose.


Fixed Stars help us understand the creative forces behind our astrological birth charts.
Synastry is the astrology of relationships. With astrology we can understand and deepen our romantic relationships.
Explore yourself and life journey to transform powerfully with astrology.

Transformation Series

This series will help you deeply transform to step into an inspired and authentic future. We will meet four times to explore multiple facets of your birth chart and progressed charts, using astrology to comprehend your unique essence and unblock your creative nature. We will delve into the planets, asteroids, nodes, fixed stars, houses, and aspects of your charts and explore a variety of interconnecting themes. The series will supervene an introductory call where we will discuss the challenges you are currently overcoming.


Step into an inspired and authentic future.


Which reading should I book?

A self-discovery reading is the first reading to book with me, as it will introduce you to astrology and the peculiarities of your birth chart. Afterwards, a life purpose reading will provide further clarity by exploring the astrology influencing your life at this moment. Other readings will take specific focuses. An astrocartography reading will look at geography, a synastry reading will look at the lessons of your current relationship, and a fixed stars reading will examine the role of fixed stars in your birth chart. A business reading will look not at you but at your business. A lifetime reading is an excellent gift for a friend. And a transformation series will combine any and all readings to help you navigate the uncertainties of life with grace and ease.

How can I prepare for a reading?

Before the reading, please send me the location, date, and specific time of your birth. By specific time of birth, I mean to the minute. The position of the houses changes every few minutes affecting the entirety of your birth chart.

It is best to prepare a list of questions beforehand or decide upon a theme you would like your reading to focus on. While the reading will unfold naturally, it is helpful for you to share with me your aspirations for the reading beforehand so I can prepare accordingly.

Where can I be during the reading?

Please make sure you are in a quiet, comfortable, and confidential location during the reading.

Will I need to take notes?

Before every reading, you will receive a personalised handout that includes a visual representation of your birth chart as well as a list of alignments and key takeaways. I recommend bringing a printed version of the handout to the reading as it will include space to add your own notes.

How long are the readings?

Readings are approximately seventy-five minutes long but may take slightly longer.

How can I book a reading?

Email me at Once we have chosen a time and date, I will send you a link that we will use for the reading as well as instructions for payment using Venmo or Zelle.

Are readings confidential?

I will never share anything discussed in the reading with anyone other than yourself even anonymously. All readings are entirely confidential.

What style of chart reading do you use?

I rely on the Placidus system to create and interpret charts. The Placidus system was devised during the Renaissance and marks the house cusps in two-hour increments. It allows for greater detail and precision than its alternatives.


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