Pluto enters Aquarius

Pluto is the planet of transformation, renewal, and rebirth. Its transit in a given sign will last anywhere from eleven to thirty years, and it offers a window into the secrets and subconscious mind of the sign it is transiting through. It brings up to the surface all that is hidden for it to be transformed completely. It unearths deep-seated wounds for them to be healed, and this often takes the form of magnifying the dark aspects of the sign it is transiting through. Pluto’s transformations are as powerful as they are unpredictable. As Pluto remains in each sign for so long, its transits define generations and the challenges they face. 

Pluto entered the sign of Aquarius on March 23, and it was in the sign of Capricorn between January 27, 2008 and March 22, 2023. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. It is associated with homes, families, careers, institutions, hierarchies, and also conservative values, beliefs, and politics. 

Pluto’s entry into Capricorn in 2008 heralded a financial crash created by an inflated housing market. Pluto exposed many secrets that banks and other traditional institutions had kept to themselves, especially ones related to weaknesses in our mortgages. It left massive upheaval in many institutions. Pluto emphasised the darker side of Capricorn in many ways. For example, it shed light on our addictions to workaholism and spearheaded a movement for greater work life balance. It also shed light on imbalances in our hierarchies, such as those between genders, races, and classes, and brought into question the importance of equality in the workplace. Pluto’s time in Capricorn saw a transformation in conservative values and beliefs. It put a magnifying glass on the dark side of conservatism, showing us where it can tip into extremism, and it transformed conservative political parties from the inside out.

Just as Pluto transformed the parts of society ruled by Capricorn, we can expect it to transform the parts of society ruled by Aquarius throughout the next two decades. Pluto will remain in Aquarius until 2043. Aquarius is a fixed air sign, and it is associated with ideas, equality, eccentricity, independence, individuality, rebellion, the masses, and the future. It rules technology, including the internet, aviation and space travel, as well as biotech. Just as Capricorn is associated with the political right, Aquarius is associated with the political left. 

Throughout the next twenty years, we can expect Pluto to transform and exaggerate everything associated with Aquarius, bringing up its secrets for them to be understood. Pluto will likely pioneer advances in technology. We will become more dependent on the internet and also more aware of its dangers on our mental health and sense of community.

Pluto’s time in Aquarius will also how us how governments use technology to suppress independence, individuality, and rebellion which are all ruled by Aquarius. This can take the forms of mass surveillance, infringement of privacy rights, censorship of freedom of speech or thought, and control of the narrative with a growth of deep fakes (or artificially created content that isn’t necessarily true). Countries might see a rise in independence movements with marginalised regions seeking separation. 

This will accompany a trend towards deglobalization as regions assert their independence in identity and governance. There may be a growth in rebellion, as the masses may express discontent with a growth in unemployment as automation replaces more and more jobs with AI. Don’t forget that Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1778 to 1798 when the United States had just signed the declaration of independence and was engaged in the revolution. These years also saw France revolt against its monarchs in favour of the republic. 

During this transit, Pluto will put a magnifying glass on the dark side of liberalism and left-wing politics, ruled by Aquarius, showing us where a desire for equality tips into extremism while transforming left wing parties from the inside out. 

We will likely see technological advances in space travel and a conversation concerning humanity’s future beyond Planet Earth. Similarly, there will likely be advances in biotech ranging from biological enhancements to CRISPR, genetic editing, and genetic coding. 

Aquarius rules the future and Pluto’s transit in Aquarius will show us what humanity’s future looks like. It is up to us to ensure we have conversations concerning what individual rights must be protected and how we understand the role of technology. Pluto in Aquarius will likely see the birth of innovative new ideas. We will become more accepting of the fact that we are all individuals and many of us are eccentric. What brings us all together is our humanity, and this knowledge will help us navigate the unintended side effects of technological progress and the dark side of Aquarius.


The Astrology of 2024


Ceres enters Virgo