About Me

My work as an astrologer has emerged from a lifetime of travel and exploration. I was born and raised in Montreal, Canada, discovering astrology at the age of fourteen and soon after found myself poring through any book on the subject I could find and giving readings to friends and family. I left home to read History at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, where I enjoyed traversing the landscape of medieval philosophers and mystics.

After graduation, I moved to California and found myself working for tech startups in a marketing capacity. As I became increasingly successful professionally, I felt disconnected from my life purpose. With time, I found myself wracked with anxiety and plunging into depression. I finally reached a point where I took a medical leave of absence from work.

I benefitted from this time to explore my interests and develop my creativity. Horseback riding and art were instrumental to this end. Joining a barn gave me fresh air, physical activity, camaraderie, and connection with animals. The many art classes I took offered opportunities to channel, harness, and express my emotions. Both were creative activities that engaged me in a process of self-discovery and self-realisation.

“The only way for a woman to know herself as a person is by creative work of her own.” - Betty Friedan, 1963

This time taught me that creativity involves sifting through mental clutter to develop intuition and see one’s authentic truth. The act of being creative allows one to learn about their strengths, weaknesses, purpose, and inspiration.

Ultimately, I ended up leaving my job and turning my passion for astrology into a vocation. I teach workshops and work with clients to help them identify their purpose and understand their challenges, lessons, gifts, and soul paths. I draw inspiration from mythology and history to understand the psychology of the zodiacal archetypes and the rich traditions astrology draws from. Astrology is an ancient tool with which the future and past inform the present. A career as an astrologer felt both natural and inspiring.

I view astrology as a creative process that involves connecting the disparate elements of one’s birth chart into a story that aligns one with their authentic truth. From there, one can imagine a life plan that honours who they are and the ideas they are interested in exploring.

I look forward to speaking with you.

Questions? Let’s chat.