Saturn enters Pisces

Saturn is entering Pisces on March 7, 2023 and leaving the sign of Aquarius, where it has been since March 21, 2020. Let’s take a look at what Saturn represents, how the past three years have been affected by its transit in Aquarius, and what this new transit has in store for us.

Saturn is the timekeeper and the judge of karma. It helps us grow and mature by providing us with tensions that encourage us to take responsibility and accountability. It gives us reality checks, adding energy to and rewarding what is true while putting a hard stop to what is not. It shows us what isn’t working and where there are opportunities to do things differently. It adds boundaries and restrictions, to encourage growth where it is needed. 

Saturn’s time in Aquarius forced us to create change in many areas ruled by Aquarius, some of which include technology, the internet, travel, humanitarianism, friendship, groups of people, communication, intellectual exchange, rebellion, and freedom. Saturn’s entry into Aquarius began with a bang as it coincided with a conjunction between Saturn and Pluto. This added intensity to what would have otherwise been a noticeable but more peaceful transit, as Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius and feels at home there. As you know, this conjunction coincided with the emergence of COVID-19, and Saturn’s transit in Aquarius saw our dependence on technology grow as a result of restrictions placed on other Aquarian concepts. 

For example, there were limitations placed on the number of people you could see. It became difficult to see friends in bars or restaurants or colleagues in the office. Travel was constricted and, for a period of time, concerts, sports, games, shopping, or any large, in-person gathering were put to a stop. We relied on the internet and technology to communicate with others, and there was a rise in remote work, virtual education, and online shopping. As we consumed news about the world and entertainment via the internet, boundaries were placed on intellectual exchange as our news feeds cater to our political orientations and encourage us to live within microcosms of intellectual thought. Those on the far left and right became radicalized, and they were encouraged to fight for what they perceived as freedom. For some this meant racial freedom with the BLM protests and for others it translated into the January 6th protests. 

Saturn’s time in Aquarius created much change in technology, communication, and other areas ruled by Aquarius. Saturn will enter Pisces on March 7, and It will travel direct until it reaches 7* of Pisces on June 18, 2023 before retrograding back to 0* of Pisces and stationing direct on November 4. As it will spend so much time in the early degrees of Pisces, we can expect this transit to begin more gradually than did Saturn’s entry into Aquarius. It will reach new degrees of Pisces in February 2024 and will reach a crescendo towards the end of its transit when it will conjunct Neptune in Pisces. It will leave Pisces on May 24, 2025. 

While Aquarius rules the masses and society at large, Pisces is more introspective in nature. In its higher vibration, Pisces rules the duality between our spiritual will and our human will. It makes us more imaginative, creative, sensitive, compassionate, idealistic, and inspired. In its lower vibration, it leads us towards escapism in thought and action, encouraging us to depend on drugs and alcohol to venture into altered states of consciousness. It also lets us fall prey to illusions, propaganda, self-pitying, and victimhood. 

In terms of society at large, It may also see a growth in the opioid epidemic as well as government measures to constrict dependence on drugs or altered states of consciousness. Pisces also rules religion and spirituality, so there may be a growth in religious leaders and spiritual gurus. Pisces is a water sign, and this transit may shine a light on our water supplies. There may be floods in some areas and droughts in others, and we will become more aware of how finite fresh water resources are and how much we have polluted them. Pisces also rules the entertainment industry, and we may become more conscious of the realities underpinning its glamor and how we are all susceptible to manipulations from the media. Pisces is a mutable sign, and it is the sign of endings. For that reason, we can expect there to be more closures of businesses. Anything that isn’t working will be filtered out in preparation for Saturn to enter Aries and begin a whole new cycle.

While Saturn’s transit in Pisces will allow us to easily tap into Pisces’ higher vibrations, it will also grow its lower vibrations. Take care to focus on what makes you inspired and creative, while showing discernment when it comes to the confusion surrounding what is true and false that Pisces has a tendency to create. Saturn has a sobering effect on what it touches, meaning this transit will give us the opportunity to filter out lies and give ourselves reality checks about our illusions, fantasies, and addictions. Once we take responsibility for ourselves, Saturn will add reality to our dreams so we can be more imaginative and creative about our responsibilities and careers. If we don’t take responsibility for ourselves and allow ourselves to wallow in victimhood or untruths, Saturn will give us more restrictions, boundaries, and endings. Enjoy this transit.


The Meaning of your Rising Sign